This article goes through how to set-up your bike training zones based off your FTP (Functional Threshold Power) and THR (Threshold Heart Rate).
FTP Test
First you will need to complete an FTP test, which is a 20 minutes paced max effort. The FTP test take less than an hour, the protocol used in the BCA training plans is below.
04 mins @ 50-55% of FTP (2/10 RPE scale)
30 secs @ 100-110% (9/10)
02 mins @ 50-55% (2/10 )
30 secs @ 100-110% (9/10)
03 mins @ 50-55% (2/10 )
Main Set
20 mins @ paced max effort 100-110% (9/10)
Cool Down
10 mins @ 50-55% (2/10 )
FTP Zones
Your FTP is 95% percentage of your average power from the 20 minutes effort (FTP = average power x 0.95).
Example, FTP = 255w (average power from 20 minutes) x 0.95, FTP = 242w.
The below table shows the training zone ranges for power. Within BCA training plans you receive an excel document (within the link to the training guides) which you can use to calculate your FTP and zones based of the below.
Zone | Name | Low (%) | High (%) |
1 | Recovery | 0 | 55 |
2 | Endurance | 56 | 75 |
3 | Tempo | 76 | 90 |
4 | Threshold | 91 | 100 |
5 | VO2max | 101 | 120 |
6 | Anaerobic | 121 | 142 |
Table 1: Cycling Power Zones
THR Zones
Your THR is 6 bpm less than your average heart rate from the 20 minute test (average Heart Rate - 6 = THR).
Example, THR = 176bpm (average heart rate from 20 minutes) - 6, THR = 170bpm
The below table shows the training zone ranges for heart rate. Within BCA training plans you receive an excel document (within the link to the training guides) which you can use to calculate your THR and zones based of the below.
Zone | Name | Low (%) | High (%) |
1 | Recovery | 0 | 68 |
2 | Endurance | 69 | 83 |
3 | Tempo | 84 | 94 |
4 | Threshold | 95 | 100 |
5 | VO2max | 101 | 120 |
Table 2: Cycling Heart Rate Zones
Setting up Zones
Once you know your Thresholds (FTP/THR) go to your settings in TrainingPeaks by clicking on your name in the top right of your TrainingPeaks calendar. Then along the left hand side of the setting click 'Zones', you will then see 'Default Heart Rate' appear and under this click the drop down menu in 'Add Activity', click bike, then click add on the right.
Once you have done this you will see the below appear. Next, simply input your threshold (you do not need to fill in your Resting Heart Rate or Max Heart Rate) click 'Add Zone' then fill in your training zones based of the tables above or the BCA excel spreadsheet provided in training plans.
When you have finished filling in your heart rate zones you can follow the same method for power. Once you have finished both click 'Save and Close' in the bottom right.
If you have any questions please let BCA know.