For some of you zone 5 intervals will be an important part of your training plan. Training in this zone has lots of benifts but also some pitfuls. Read through this article to learn more about how to optimise your training in zone 5.

Zone 5 training is conducted between your threshold (zone 4) and VO2max and is often referred to the VO2max zone. Your VO2max is your bodies maximals ability to absorb and utilise oxygen to the working muscles. That this intensity your body has a limited amount of energy which is why these intervals can be painfull.
[Graph on physiology here]
Where in the zone should you train?
Generally, you should be aiming to train in the middle of the zone (or percantages) provided by the workout details in TrainingPeaks. For example if the prescribed percentages are between 105%-115%, you should aim for 110%.
How should I pace these intervals?
You need to think of pacing these intervals in two ways, the first is within an individual interval, the second is across all intervals. When pacing the indivudal interval you want to avoid seeing your power (or pace) decline, even if it is still within the zone. This means either keep on constant output, or try and steadly increase your output during the interval. Across all intervals, however, you don't want your first interval to be your hardest. Each interval should get gradually more difficulty, but you still want to make sure you average output for each interval is the same or increases throughout. A really good example of zone 5 intervals completed well are below.

How should I fuel for these intervals?
At this intensity, you will not be using any fats, in fact your are entiery reliant on carbohydrates for fuel. This means it may be worth considering taking quick-release food before conducting these intervals. For example an energy gel would be appropriate.
I can move my legs fast enough what should I do?
If you find your legs are struggling to move fast enough to keep up with the intensity, then you should consider the following. In the cycling context, try and use diffrent gears that allow you to increase the resistance your are peddling at. In a running (and cycling) context, it may be the case you need to move one step back and shorten the intervals to 30 seconds to allow your body to adapt to the depands of the intensity.
Should I have ERG on when using Zwift?
If you are a beginner or have not conducted zone 5 intervals before using ERG mode (what is ERG mode? - LINK) would be a good idea as this will help you get used to the intensity. However, if you are more experienced you may benefit from not using ERG mode to practice other aspects of your performance such as pacing or managing and effort.
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
On a scale of 1 to 10 and 10 being all out max, zone 5 intervals should be a 8-9 out of 10. You will be working at the limit of your aerobic system so breathing will be very heavy roughly 50-55 breaths per minute. Conversation will not be possible, and you will feel a lot of burning in the muscles towards the end of the workout. See the RPE scale below.
[insert rpe graph]
If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.